Tuesday, March 26, 2013
My Sweet Melissa part 2
Our sex life definitely picked up after that night at the adult theater. It was amazing. Melissa seemed to be ready to do anything I wanted whenever, and, wherever, I wished. It was like I had tapped in to some hidden reservoir of passion that had lain dormant in her all of these years. Could it be that she had just been too shy to act out these fantasies of hers? Had she been too busy being a "good girl" to even consider the existence of such depravity. Had she ever known such fantasies? Or was she just taking a ride on my own personal train of perversity. I found that, more and more, I began to look forward to doing things to her. It was like she was becoming my own personal whore. One night I was feeling bored and decided to just get out. I suggested to Melissa that maybe, just to kill time, we could go to the grocery store to pick up some stuff we were running low on. As we were getting ready to go an idea came to me. I looked at Melissa and said, "you're not wearing that out are you?" She looked at her ordinary clothes, a sweater and jeans, and asked me what was wrong with them. I kissed her and said "why don't you go get that sheer red blouse you wore to that dinner party last month." She looked confused but just shrugged and went to put it on. I'm sure she thought it odd to be overdressing for the grocery store like that but she figured if it would please me why not. She returned a couple of minutes later with the sheer blouse and matching undergarments that were part of the outfit. The contrast of the jeans and the silky red blouse was fantastic. She looked stunning. The blouse wasn't completely transparent but you could certainly make out the matching bra underneath. "Nice," I said appreciatively. "But what do you need the undergarments for?" "Because you can see through the blouse, silly." "I like seeing through your blouse." "Well that's just fine for you but what about...." she stopped when she saw the look on my face. She had put two and two together and figured out that they added up to two; her two tits that she needed to show. "Honey," she said exasperated. "I...well... I just....umm.." She was actually blushing. "And lose the panties too. I want to feel you up while we drive over there." She just stood there, stunned, looking around the room like she was trying to figure out where I had left my sanity. I reached out, put my hand on her shoulder, and shoved her towards the bedroom. She stumbled and almost fell. She looked at me in shock. I had never hit her or physically abused her in any way. Until then. "I'll be waiting in the car," I said as I turned and walked out the door. I sat out in the car listening to the hum of the big engine as it warmed up. My dick had gotten hard at the mere thought of what we were doing but I didn't care. I wasn't sure what was coming over me any more. And I am sure she didn't either. But the fear I saw in her eyes excited me. I wanted to fuck her. In more ways than one. Minutes later I saw the front door open and my pretty young wife emerged. As she turned to close the front door the lights in the living room shone through her blouse. I felt light headed at the sight of her full breasts dangling freely. I could even make out her nipples. They were stiff. She walked quickly over to the car bending over slightly so that the neighbors couldn't see anything as she passed by our porch lights. She reached for the passenger door, but it wouldn't open. I had activated the locks. I could see her struggling with the door and I could faintly hear her calling out to me. In desperation she finally started to slap her hand against the window. The plinking of her wedding band hitting on the glass was one of the most erotic things I had ever heard. I smiled and, eventually, reached down to push the unlock button. She quickly rushed into her seat and slammed the door behind her. "Unzip your jeans," I said, getting quickly to the point. She looked at me in shock. "Honey, please. The neighbors." "Do it bitch." "I am not a bitch," she said, tears forming in her eyes. "No, you're not, you fucking cunt. Now unzip," I demanded. She looked away in fear and pain. After a few moments of considering her options, which were very limited, with moistened eyes she suddenly reached down into her lap and angrily unzipped her pants. "There, is that what you want, asshole?" she spit at me, "There's my pussy. Can you see it? Are you happy now?" "Not really. Unsnap your pants and pull them down until I tell you to stop." Once again she eventually complied, still angry, but with a little less self righteousness. A tear slid down her cheek as her pants came down. God, but her pretty white butt looked good as she raised it up to slip her pants out from under her. I waited until they were almost to her knees. "Stop. That's enough. Now open your legs bitch." She looked away out the window in resignation and covered her mouth with her hand to hide her emotions. But she gradually, reluctantly, opened her legs exposing her hairy pussy to my sight. They couldn't open far because of the restriction of her jeans around her knees but it was just enough to be vulgar. It was like she was inviting the whole world to take a look at her pussy. Like she was saying, "I'm a tramp. Here it is. Here's my pussy; my womanhood. What do you think of it? Have a look." "Slide over here next to me." I said. To my surprise she quickly complied and grasped my arm. I guess she was thinking perhaps that I was being romantic and wanted her to sit near me. But I just wanted to stick my fingers in her pussy and play with her while I drove. Which is what I did. I stuck my fingers quickly into her snatch and started to rub her. She gasped in surprise and sat up sharply, but she didn't move away from me. I noticed her clit was already hard and her slit was wet. "Unbutton your blouse," I said, as I smeared her juices around her slippery opening. She was already starting to pant gently, and, as I backed out of the driveway with one hand shoved up her pussy, I noticed that her fingers were trembling as she unbuttoned herself and opened her blouse to expose her naked tits to me in the car. I headed for the outskirts of town again. I wanted our ride together to be a nice long one. She was definitely getting off on the attention. I knew my wife well enough to know when she was aroused. I could feel, hear, and smell all of the signals that told me when she was approaching orgasm. So as the long slow minutes passed and she would eventually grip my arm harder and begin to stiffen I would remove my hand and let her suffer. After a good twenty minustes of this she had slid down in the seat with her legs spread lewdly, and her pants around her ankles. She was beyond caring when we passed through a lighted area, or when other cars drove next to us or near us. I didn't think that anyone could actually see in. If they had, all they would have probably been able to see was her naked breasts with erect nipples pointing towards the sky. Had there been someone standing on a street corner when we stopped they might have been able to see her widely splayed legs with my hand working in and out of her hairy bush. But, alas, there were no walkers out. Only the occassional joggers, too intent on their own business to notice much of anything else. They didn't know what they were missing. Eventually she was so into it that my nearly naked wife was sitting slumped on the seat next to me, tightly gripping my wrist with both hands and humping herself against my hand. It was an extraordinary sight for me. I no longer even needed to move my hand. I just let her fuck herself with my fingers. My beautiful wife had surrendered herself completely to her need for sex and was responding in a very powerful way to the abuse and humiliations I was heaping on her. But, to her total dismay, I would not let her come. I withheld the one thing in the world that she most wanted at that moment. She was desperate to orgasm. She wasn't strong enough to hold my wrist against her sopping cunt when I decided it was time to move it away and so her arousal just kept going up and down, and up and down, and up and down. Always getting close but never arriving. When I saw a K-Mart up ahead that was closing I knew that I had arrived even if she hadn't. I pulled in and parked in the darkness of one of the far corners of the parking lot. It was almost empty except for the cars of a few straggling customers and the few employees that hadn't gone home yet. Lights were gradually being turned off as the store prepared to close, and, since empty lots surrounded the store, most of the parking area was enveloped in darkness. Melissa was just alert enough to notice what was going on. She obviously thought that I had stopped so we could have sex in the back seat of the car, and I think the idea turned her on. "Oh baby. Yes. Do me here. Do me. Let's get in the back seat and do it baby. Oh yes. Fuck me honey. Fuck me now. I need it bad." I had no doubt that she needed it bad. But what she didn't know was that, at the moment, I needed it even worse. I hadn't been this turned on in my life and I wasn't about to throw away a golden opportunity like this. Heaven (or Hell) knew when I would get another chance like this. I could die tomorrow. She could die tomorrow. We could both die tomorrow. I didn't know. I just knew that I was going to do what I wanted tonight and I didn't give a damn what she wanted. "Get out," I said opening my door. "What," she said, as she felt me moving away from her. "Where are you going baby. Do me. Fuck me. I need it. Don't go away." "Get out" I repeated as I closed my door on the sight of my lasciviously naked wife in the front seat of our big beautiful car. I immediately moved around to the passenger side and opened the door. Melissa was coming down off of her high now and looked scared again. She looked at me like I was some sort of deranged stranger and she grabbed at her blouse to try and close it and hide her nakedness. "Get out bitch," I almost yelled as I reached in and grabbed her by the arm and started to pull her out. "I'm going to buttfuck you. I'm going to fuck your ass, right now, and right here in this parking lot." Melissa screamed as I pulled her head first out of the door. She looked exquisite as her divinely pale and naked body tumbled out onto the ground. Her ass had always been the one thing that she would not give to me. I had poked around with my finger, but whenever I had placed my dick against her anus as though to fuck her there she had always started whining piteously and telling me that there was no way I would fit. And I agreed with her. Whenever I was doing her doggy style I would look down in awe at the sight of her perfect anus. It was a tiny brown star of untouchable beauty but I knew that my larger than average cock would never fit. It was a shame. It was the forbidden fruit that I dared not have. Until tonight. I guess that somewhere in my subconscious I had made the taboo connection. Whenever she is abused she gets totally turned on and will let me do unthinkable things she normally wouldn't dream of doing. And one of those unthinkable things was going to be anal sex. So, in this case, two plus two equalled one. As in one totally undefended puckered little opening that was going to feel the invasion of my big hard dick. I was going to buttfuck my wife. It had finally come down to this. The pretty little girl that I had seen that night long ago at the fraternity mixer, the one that had looked so shy and innocent, the one I had wanted to hold and to protect, was now my wife. And I, the one who had sworn in his heart and before others to protect her , was now about to buttfuck her in a public parking lot. Who was going to police the police? Who could protect her from her protector? That would teach the little bitch to say no to me. This is what happens to little girls who whine. They get sodomized in front of strangers. I was going to fuck her shithole. In public. I pulled Melissa off the concrete and to her knees. Her blouse was completely open and her naked breasts dangled below her. Her pants were dangling from one foot as I spread her legs and got on my knees behind her. Somewhere, my rational mind tried to warn me of the dangers of what I was doing, but its' voice was drowned out by the roar of blood coursing through my rock hard cock. I ignored the scrapping of gravel on my knees as I put my leaking dick to her unprotected behind. I placed the head against her little brown star and I shoved. She screamed and tried to move away but I held her fast with both hands on her waist and pushed again. It was like trying to push a size twelve foot into a size six shoe. It was so tight I couldn't believe it. The moisture from my seeping dick was just enough to pave the way but it was still so tight that it actually hurt. It felt like someone was squeezing my dick in a vise. At that point I had to decide whether to pull out and stop the pain on my dick or drive forward and stretch the opening enough to do what I had come there to do. I humped forward. I shouldn't have been surprised when I heard a concerned voice behind me. "Are you okay lady?" It was the sound of a teenage boy. He was gathering up the remaining shopping carts from the parking lot when he heard my wifes screams. "P..please h..hel..." Melissa began. I thrust into her to shut her up. It worked. She screamed again and I leaned over and spoke into her ear. "Tell him we're married bitch. Tell her it's consensual. Tell him," I said as I kept humping against her butt, "or we can finish this later somewhere else. Only I am going to be really pissed off then. Get it bitch," I said as I pushed farther against her butthole. "Ow..oww. Oh God. I..it's o..o...kay. We're mar...mar....married" my wife managed to stammer out. "Unnggh. Unnggh. Unnggh." she grunted as I kept pushing. "Well, if you're sure lady. I can call 911 and get the cops here if you want" "Unngghh. Unnggh. N...n...n...no. Please. It's o...o...o..kay. Unngghh. Unnggh. Unnggh." I was pushing and thrusting without remorse though I still hadn't broken through yet. I didn't give a damn about the kid at that moment. All I wanted was my wife's butt. "Jesus," he said as he moved away with his string of carts. "Do the words 'get a room' mean anything to you two. Some people. God damn." It was then, as Melissa's last hope was walking away, in that dark corner of the deserted parking lot, that I gripped her hips with all my strength and gave one big long slow push and felt the head of my cock pass through her sphincter and into her bowels. Melissa's head jerked back and her mouth flew open in a silent scream. She couldn't even get enough breath to make any noise. I was in. I had conquered my wife's ass. The feeling was magnificent. Beyond the sphincter I could actually feel the heat of her bowel wrapped around my dick head. I was in heaven. The sound of my wife's grunting only spurred me on as I started to saw my cock back and forth up my wife's butt. I didn't pull it all the way out on the backstroke becasue the sphincter was still to tight to allow the swollen head of my cock to pass easily. But I quickly realized that each time I tried to do it Melissa would react with a painful yelp. And I loved listening to her yelp so I would periodically pull out as far as I could just to enjoy the sound of her discomfort. Gradually her grunting began to subside and she resigned herself to accepting my dick in her butt. I looked down at what had to be the most beautiful sight ever; the sight of my dick going between her split ass cheeks and up her butt. Her head was lolling around almost passively with each thrust and I could see her ass cheeks ripple with each bump. "Oh my God," she finally managed to say coherently. "Oh my God. It hurts baby. It hurts." "Fuck you," I said, being the considerate loving husband and provider that I was. "Fuck you in the ass bitch." I continued like that for what seemed like an eternity, an eternity in heaven. I stared up at the heavens above and thanked my lucky stars that I had such a hot wife with such a beautiful ass. I wondered how I had ever waited this long to fuck her there. I thought of all the days and weeks and months and years that we had been together in one house. Just me and her and her beautiful ass and I couldn't believe that I hadn't buttfucked her before. I felt like a fool. All of my male friends would laugh at me if they knew. Hell, I was married to it, I might as well fuck it. But warmth and friction and the whole erotic idea of buttfucking my wife was too good to last. After about ten minutes of thrusting and squeezing and staring and admiring the sight of her geourgeous ass I was ready to inseminate it. And with one last deep thrust that drove the entire lenght of my dick up her ass I started to cum. I was so turned on and so heated up that I must have had a pint of sperm all trying to be the first to enter into her shit darkened paradise. But, to my painful amazement, they couldn't get out. Her sphincter was so tight around my cock that nothing could travel up my urethra. It was completely restricted by the tightness of her butt. My sperm had no where to go. Suddenly , in fear that my semen would be forced back up into my prostate, or that my dick might burst or something, I had no choice but to yank my dick from her butt. When I did, Melissa gave out one last painfull cry that mingled with the popping sound of my dick breaking suction with her anus. I reached down and grabbed my cock and watched as my sperm spewed forth. I urgently stroked myself as a long line of white cum sprayed out into the air, over her upturned butt, over her back, and landed squarely in her blond hair, like milky soldiers vigorously assaulting their assigned target in a misguided attempt to achieve their objective. Then it kept coming out and landed on all the places in between. It went on her back. And it went all over her pretty little butt. I stared down in rapture at the sight. Almost crosseyed with pleasure, I watched as the great puddles of my pussy fertilizer slid slowly downward on her back and also down and off her butt, where it flopped in futility upon the cold dark concrete of the parking lot. My wife collapsed onto the ground sobbing and trying to clutch her blouse shut to block out the reality of what had just happened. I slouched back on my heels, sweat dripping from my face, trying to comprehend what I had just done. I hadn't planned to do this. At least not consciously. It was just that ever since I had begun to realize that my wife had a submissive streak, (either that or she loved me so much she just couldn't say no), I had become unable to stop myself from using her as you would use any other object; to accomplish your objective, in this case ejaculation, and then to put it back on the shelf for later. Slowly I managed to stand up and looked around for my forgotten car. The passenger door had been left open and I wondered how many passing motorists and store customers had been able to watch me butt fuck my naked wife in the K-Mart parking lot by the glow from the dome light inside my car. I had to help my wife to her feet and I helped her get back in the front seat. Then I quickly got back behind the wheel. Melissa cried all the way home. Once we got inside and I got us to bed she let me spoon against her as we fell asleep in total exhaustion. I started to get another boner, but decided to take pity on her and not fuck her butt twice in one night. However, I was sure that I was going to be traveling her hershey highway again before long. Now that I knew the road was open I was looking forward to many such trips in the future. I cupped her naked tit and fondled her pouty nipple as I slipped off into an incredibly sound sleep. 3174 1.30/512345
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