Wednesday, March 27, 2013
DOCTOR By Mattrules I've always been kind of a paranoid person, but I thought I'd come to grips with it, yet lately my wife has been acting suspicious. I meet my wife in college, she was studying to be a doctor. I was getting my master's at the time in liberal arts, specifically speech communication. We meet a play performance at the university theatre's presentation of a Sam Shepard Play called Buried Child. She was gorgeous, she came with a friend of mine who had invited me. She was a knockout, beautiful hair, c breasts, nice round ass, and she was smart. She could talk anyone under the table. I love that in a women. I've always been attracted to a dominant woman. We hit it right off and we feel in love. Since then we both graduated and moved to the city. We'd been living together for two years, when we got engaged and were married some six months after that. Our sex life had always been ok, we had it regularly and we both seemed to enjoy it. She always told me, "I was a one of a kind lover." I'm a looker too, blue eyes, nice features, barrel chest and a four inch erection. I had never had a problem before and haven't yet in the realm of love making. My wife took her first full time position at the local downtown clinic. The clinic was for homeless or poor people who did not have the money for insurance. It was financed by a few of the larger corporations in town. Needless to say, we are not racist in any way, but the clinic was mostly used by Africans and Mexicans. I thought nothing of it, and our lives stayed the same for about a year. Then one day my wife called me on the phone and asked me to come visit her at work for lunch. I was busy writing a screen play, but I could take a break. So I drove down to meet her for lunch. We ate across the street and chatted. Then she said, "why don't you come and watch me work for a while, maybe you can help out." She smiled and I figured it would be a good bonding time. So, I agreed and we went to her office. She said, "today we are doing physicals, so you'll need to put on this uniform. We don't want anybody feeling strange about some random person in the room." I got dressed in this nurse's uniform and we went into the first room. Along the way my wife introduced me to her co-worker's as her little man around the house. They laughed and shook my hand. What did she mean, I figured it was just a joke, since she's the bread winner in the family. A nurse handed us a chart and we went into the first room. On the table sat a large black man. I sat down and my wife went to work. She said, "hello Jerome, it's been a while since I last saw you, how's your cough doing." Jerome said," It's all over, Mrs. White, thank you for your help, today I'm just here for my physical." My wife said, "ok then, stick out your tongue, and say ahh." Then she checked his lungs, his eyes, nose, and ears. The she said, "drop your pants and we'll do the last test." Jerome undid his pants and pulled down his boxers. Out popped his soft black cock. There in front of my eyes hung a huge black cock. It was soft, yet it was larger than mine when I was hard. It just dangled, almost mesmerizing. My wife said, "Ok Jerome, my nurse here is going to help out. He needs to learn how to check for testicular cancer." She pointed to me to come over. She said, "ok, what I want you to do is check him for testicular problems. Grab his ballsac and lightly feel then for bumps." I couldn't believe what my wife was saying, what was she trying to do. She grabbed my hand and placed it on Jerome's huge black balls. They were the size of AA eggs. I rolled them around in my hand, gently. Jerome coughed and I said, "it seems fine to me." She said, "let me check" and she grabbed his balls and told him to cough. He did and she said, "your right its all clear, nurse would you please go back to my office, while we finish some paperwork." I said ok and thought nothing of it. I waited in her office for about twenty minutes, then my wife came in and sat down. She said, "so what do you think of my job." I said, " I can't believe you made me hold another man's balls." She said, "but honey it made me so hot, watching you hold that black man's balls. His cock is so huge, did you know they came in that size?" I said, "what are saying honey? It was huge, but. . . " She interpreted me and said, "all I'm saying honey is a cock that size could really satisfy a woman. But don't worry you'll always be my little lover. Don't worry so much, I've got a little time till the next patient, why don't you come over here and give your wife a little head. She sure could use it." She lifted up her dress and she wasn't wearing any panties. I said, "honey, your not wearing anything." She said, "I took them off for you honey, come over here and eat me out." She sat on her desk and I got between her legs. Her smell was strong today, she even looked a little red, but before I could say anything, she grabbed the back of my head and pulled into her vagina. I started licking all around. She was really wet, and I was swallowing tons of her juices. They started out slowly, but I guess as she got hornier, The flow got thicker. Finally she shuttered with an orgasm and said, "thank you honey, you have the best tongue in town baby, nobody licks me like my little man." She let go of me and pulled her dress down. She said, "ok I have to get back to work, I'll see you a little later at home ok honey," she gave me a kiss and left the room. I drove home that day and I was in bliss. I loved my wife. When my wife came home later that evening, she thanked me for coming in this afternoon and we decided to make it a twice a week occurrence. It was least I could do, since she made most of the money. For the next two weeks I went in on every Tuesday and Thursday, which happened to be free physical days. She had me help out a few more times, then on the fourth day, it got kind of weird. I drove over to see her, and another nurse, who was this gorgeous African-American woman, she was stacked, I had a hard time not looking at her chest. She wasn't even thick a completely tone and built body. She said, "your wife is busy in room two, but she wanted me to run a physical on you, how long has it been since your last physical." I looked at her and said, "a year or so, how come she isn't going to do it." She said, "it's best if you have an impartial tester, that way we won't skew things. We walked into room and there were already two other men in the room. She said, "ok, we're having to cut costs lately, so we're going to do the free physicals as groups now. I need everybody to weigh and test their own temperature, then undress to your boxers and form a line. We all got in line and she started the test on the first guy, his name was Greg and he was a large black male. She ran all the basic tests on him. Then he pulled down him boxers, and I couldn't believe it, another huge black cock, it must have hung down about six inches soft, like a stick of dark chocolate. The nurse grabbed his balls and asked him to cough. He did and she moved to the next guy, he was an Italian man. She ran the tests on him and then he pulled down his boxers. I was in shock, he had a huge penis. It was twice the size of mine, about six inches soft and six round. Both of these men made mine look like a little boy's penis. I was a little nervous, I had never seen such huge soft dicks before. I was next and we ran the tests, I pulled down my boxers and I stood naked, my two inch soft dick just pointed out, while resting on my balls. I was so small I had no hang. The nurse saw this and her eyes widened and she chuckled. She gathered her composure though and said,"cough." The other two guys were talking to each other and laughing. I was so embarrassed. She said, "your all ok, you can get dressed now." Then she grabbed me and said, "your wife will be in soon, just wait here." The three of them left and as I the door shut, I heard the nurse say to the black guy, "only five year old's have smaller dicks." I was so ashamed, good god, what if my wife had been in here today. I never would live it down. I figured it was all just a fluke. Probably just bad timing for me. My wife came in after about five minutes had passed. She said, "I talked to the nurse, she said you have a few problems." I said, "problems, she said I was fine." My wife said, "no the other guys were fine, that's why she had you wait here. You see your testicles are showing signs of fatigue. She recommends you don't use them for the next couple weeks and then we'll get a check up from there." I said, "what do mean don't use them." My wife said, "it mean you can't ejaculate, that means no sex, no masturbation, I think its best if you can try not to even get hard. That way you have no temptation to use them. Fatigue can lead to serious health issues honey, it's best if you just let your little penis rest. Trust me, its for the best. Ok my little munchkin." I hadn't even been getting regular sex lately, but the last thing I wanted was health issues, so I said ok. My wife said, "Good honey, your nurse Lauren, will be in, in just a second with your brace." "My what?" "Your brace honey, it'll keep you from getting hard. I have to take a look at Greg's leg for him, he said he may have strained it. I'm going to see if I can't work out the muscle. Wait here and Lauren will be in shortly." There I was still naked. The door opened and a blonde nurse walked in, she looked right at my penis, turned and said, "I'm sorry I thought this room was empty." She left and as soon as the door closed, I swear I heard laughter. Finally Lauren walked in with a big smile on her face, she said, "here's your brace, so open you legs for me and I'll attach it." I opened up my legs and my tiny cock just poked out from my groin, she grabbed it and moved the brace around it. Now my cock and balls were trapped by this leather brace. It reminded me of a cage. She said, "ok, keep this on, it can get wet, so don't worry about showers, keep this on until your next visit. Last thing is we need to give you a shot." I said, "a shot for what?" Lauren said, "this should help re-energize your fatigue testicles." So I bent over and she gave me a shot. Then she slapped me on the butt and said, "your wife will be in shortly, so just rest here." I laid down on the doctor's table and I felt really groggy. I must have fallen asleep, because my wife woke me up when she came in. She said, "how are you feeling you've been out for almost an hour." I must have drooled while I slept, because my face was completely sticky. I stood up and my wife said, "ok my little guy, its time to go home now honey, I'll be home after work, can you drive." I said, "yeah, I just need to walk around, I'll be fine, I'll see you at home." I got dressed and walked out the door. The whole doctor's clinic started whispering and laughing. Maybe I was just being paranoid. I left and went home. My wife got home rather late, almost ten thirty. She walked through the door and said, "sorry I'm late honey, I had some extra paper work to do before I left. How are you feeling?" I said I was doing fine. She said, "great honey, now would you be a doll and run a bath for me, then meet me in the bedroom, lover." Wow, ever since we moved here, she has gotten really frisky. I ran to bathroom and started up our jacuzzi tub, then I went to the bedroom. There was my wife completely naked, spread out across the bed. She said, "my little munchkin, get undressed and come over here." She patted the bed between her legs. I got undressed. I had completely forgotten about the brace. What was I going to do? My wife saw the expression in my face and said, "don't worry honey, your little guy needs rest, besides it was never much in bed anyway. Your tongue on the other hand can do wonders, to sooth and caress. It'll only be for a little while, so just relax and let's play." What did she mean little guy? I said, "hey I take offense to that comment, what do you mean little?" She said, "oh come on honey, what do you think? I didn't notice how huge those big black dicks were. I work with them every week. I've spent the last two months holding and staring at man size cocks. What did you think, I was going to ignore the fact that I married a man with a tiny cock." I said, "what the fuck Emily? What are you trying to say? Don't I satisfy you anymore?" I couldn't believe my wife just said big black cock. She said, "oh honey, that's cute, but you never really did satisfied me. I mean come on your penis has barely gone through puberty. You saw Jerome's cock, it was huge, you can barely get your hand around that huge black cock. I saw the look of shock in your eyes when he pulled it out. I felt the same way the first time I saw Jerome's cock. Now that's what I call a cock. But your tiny dick, well, now you can't even perform. So just relax and put your tongue to use. You love me don't you, so show me, don't let a little problem keep you from your love. I love you honey, that's why I married you. I never married you for your dick, I love you, and honestly, your tongues all you've got." That was too much, I don't believe her. I said, "But honey, what about our love, sex is a big part." She grabbed my hair and said, "come on now honey, enough talk, our love will survive this brace period, now let's stop worrying and talking, I want some head." She pulled me down into her pussy. Her pussy was so wet, I think the talk had gotten her hot. She really loved it when we talked about our love for each other. I licked up and down her pussy. Her pussy hole was huge, I could get my tongue all around the inside. I licked as far in as I could. This seemed to really turn her on, because her pussy started contracted huge amounts of cum juice. She seemed to be getting thicker lately. She was right, I was really good with my tongue. She started moaning and screaming, "Lick me baby, swallow all of it, suck my pussy. Lick me good, my little dicked hubby." I said, "hey, don't call me little honey it hurts." She said, "but honey it really turns me on, too think about how you can never pleasure me with your tiny dick, It helps me orgasm, baby. You want me to orgasm don't you." I said, "But honey, well, It just sort of feels weird, I guess its ok." She said, "Good honey, now finish the job, lick me dry." I sucked her pussy, until she finally orgasmed. She patted me on the head and said, "that's a good boy, now I'm going to take a bath, baby. Thank you lover." She smiled and went to take her bath. I thought I heard her laughing when she shut the door, but I couldn't tell. I got into bed, I can't wait until this ball fatigue is over. (To be Continued... Let me know your thoughts and suggestions ( By Mattrules 6781 1.39/512345
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