Friday, March 29, 2013
The Isle Of Man (Part 2)
"The Isle Of Man" Part 2 by Limp i have spoken of my former wife's first breeding session where i observed as a limp. i have not however, yet spoken of how i became a limp or was trained to accept my now submissive, docile role as a domestic slave to public bitches, whose ranks now include my former wife as public bitch number 256. After mine and Kristina's abduction from our wedding suite i awoke on a cold concrete floor. i realized, to my humiliation, upon awaking that i was completely naked. A quick observation of the room even in my groggy state, for i must have been drugged, revealed that i was in a small cell which i estimated to be about four by six feet. The walls like the floor were polished grey concrete. There was no door but instead two sets of bars each of which locked. Beyond these bars i could see only more concrete that seemed to be a hallway. From this hallway somewhere beyond my sight shined a bright light that eventually reached and dimly illuminated my cell, for there was no other light in my cell. i did not at the time notice the two monitors that were perched high above the second pair of bars and fitted so as to blend into the wall to make their presence far from obvious. A large black Man with a beautiful white blonde woman trailing behind him walked up to my cell. When i say large black Man i mean a Man standing to what must have been 6'4" or above and weighing in at what i would guess could not be under 250 pounds of a solidly muscular frame. In typical fashion of course i asked what had happened and what was going on. He unlocked the second pair of bars, pushed the woman inside, and locked the bars back. She unlocked the bars closest to me and entered my cell. While i stood there now yelling and demanding to know what was going on, she quickly closed the bars behind her, trapping herself with me and tossed the keys away from reach. Had i been quicker or more clear headed maybe i would have rushed out, but this would have only gotten me to another set of locked bars. The Man still standing there silently now looked between my legs and began laughing. i suddenly remembered that i was completely naked and quickly cupped my hands over my cock. He continued laughing as he walked out of sight. i turned my attention to the woman and asked "Did they kidnap you to?" She spoke in almost a whisper and said " i am public bitch number 139. i am here to provide you with your last female pleasures. Do with me as you wish". From that point on she did not speak. i asked if she had been kidnapped, no response, i ordered her to answer me, no response. i sat down on the floor frustrated. i now carefully observed her. Blonde hair falling to to the small of her back, deep blue eyes, a tan complexion that attetested to time spent in the sun. Her chest was bare so that one could observe her breast had a slight sag, perhaps like that which happens after one has given birth and nursed, that even her obvious excercise to maintain her figure could not prevent. Looking closely i did see slight signs of what could have been stretch marks.(i would later learn that all bitches were bred at least once.) Arond her waist was a leather belt that extended down between her legs and connected again around the cheeks of her firm ass. The drug must have been wearing off, i was a little more clear headed and now noticed the shiny small silver lock. i now realized this was a chastity belt. What did she say my last female pleasure, could that be my fate was i to be kept locked in a chastity belt. Eventually i would find my fate much more severe. Having just recently been married and still clinging to the idea of escape, i explained to her that i was a married man and could do nothing with her. She said nothing. My perspective on this rapidly changed after three days in captivity, when the doctor came to my cell. The doctor another large black Man explained that i had four more days to enjoy the bitch they provided for me. i did not at the time realize what a degrading act this was for a bitch, to have to pleasure a litle dicked white male. The doctor explained that in four days i would be "surgically corrected" so that i would be unable to achieve an erection much less cum. He said that this was to prevent me from passing on my inadequate condition to future generations. He looked between my legs when saying this so as to let me know what that inadequacy was. He then left without saying another word. i was now overcome with a sense of hopelessness, for i now knew they intended to take my manhood and deny me any further sexual pleasure in my life. i curled up into the lap of the woman locked in my cell with me and cried. When she guided my mouth to her erect nipple as an offering of comfort, i closed my eyes and began gently sucking. i had never been particulary fond of anal sex but it was obvious that this womans pussy was securley locked away. i first gave in when she knelt before me and begun sucking my cock. While it felt wonderful i pushed her away. Then she knelt on all fours and seductively wiggled her ass inviting me to enjoy it. Perhaps i was horny or frustrated or was taking out my frustration on her but i gave in and quickly pushed my cock inside her. After only a few strokes, the cell doors were quickly opened with several black Men coming in and seperating us. She was taken away. i complained that i still had a day left. The Men all laughed in unison. One of the Men then spoke and said that he hoped i had enjoyed my last sexual act with a female. i was then secured by chains, with my legs spread by the use of a bar and was left in my cell. The next day the doctor came to my cell. He had heard of my interruption and said he thought it was terrible that i had not been allowed to finish. So he was going to provide me with many cums. Then Man after MAn entered my cell and my asshole. Despite my disgust their manupilation of my prostate was perfect and i did indeed cum many times. After a few days rest the doctor told me that if i were willing to service the Men that i might be able to keep my little dick since they found its small erectness amusing and liked to see me cum like a white wimp faggot. He added that i must be convincing in my love of Black Cock or surgery would go ahead as scheduled. With no other choice i agreed. i spent three weeks sucking Black Cocks so large that they wouldn't fit completely in my mouth and having my asshole strectched beyond what i thought possible. i now understood how it was i entered the blonde's asshole so easily and how little she must have felt. i was convincing saying how much i loved what they were doing and acting like i liked my new role. At least i still had my balls i told myself. However, the following week i was surgically corrected. This meant that my prostate was removed and i was castrated. i protested this, of coure it did no good after the fact. i was told that they had no intention of letting me keep my inadequate equipment. They had filmed my convincing acts in order to show my wife that her husband was not a Man and prefered large Black Cocks to anything else. i had even said on film that i would rather take it up the ass from a Big Black Cock then fuck my wifes pussy. What she must have thought when she saw those films! i was then lead to the breeding house to observe her first breeding session. i kneeled as i was instructed to do and hung my head in humilaition and shame as i watched my wife, now public bitch number 256 being fucked by little white dicks on males known as quicks. My captors had explained to me that i was now known as a limp, which there many more of than quicks on the isle. i knew from personal experience that if she had been fucked by the same large Black Cocks as i had, how she would barely be able to feel the small white dicks now fucking her for the purpose of impregnating her. My former wife and recent bride was going to have a child, as was her duty, that would not be mine and i would never enjoy the pleasure of her body again. For purposeful sexual gratification was only the right of the Men on the isle. This story is intended for adults only. The author of this work releases it into public domain. This is the authors first story(but third part) so any comments are welcom. The Isle Of Man Dear Journal, Today i ordered the house limp to handwash all the clothing. There was a time when i was still unenlightened that i actually thought bitches should be allowed to wear more than just lingerie, how naive i was. The Men on the isle assigned my ex husband to this house as a limp. It would have been humiliating enough to have to look at him everyday and be reminded that i once thought so little of myself that i was actually happy to be married to that little dicked white male, that was obviously a faggot, but wosre even then that, the other bitches were told that this had been my husband,OH, How humiliating. i remember when i first awoke on the isle, how scared i was. Now of course i realize how silly that was. Men had seen me and chose to rescue me from my world and give ne this wonderful new life. When i first awoke i was lying on my stomach completely naked. i was chained down by my arms and legs to a bed. As soon as i began coming to i realized that my cunt was somewhat sore. After just a few moments i could feel the cum still leaking from me onto the bed. i had been raped while knocked out, how horrible. i of course now know it was only horrible because i missed the pleasure of thirty Big Black Cocks stretching my cunt and for the first time letting it experience a Man's cock, well several cocks. When i realized what had happened i began to cry. A Man(by this i of course mean what outsiders think of so wrongly as only a black Man) came and sat by my side. He gave me a pill to take, explaining that it would prevent me from getting pregnant. He said it was not yet time for that. He explained that i was now on my stomach because ass was to be fucked next. my butt fucking was to start soon but i was allowed to be awake for that. i begged him not to but fuck me or let others gang bang my ass, that i would do anything just please not that. What a fool i was, my asshole now easily accomadates the largest Black Cocks. i feel truly worthy when my asshole provides a place for a Man to dump his cum. This way he doesn't even have to unlock my chastity belt. He very tenderely rubbed vaseline on my asshole, then inserted a vaseline coated finger inside me, caoting my ass inside. It was explained to me that very shortly i would require no lubrication to take it up the ass. Then at least eight hours of my asshole being fucked began. At the end i was sore and tired, i asked through tears why they had done this and what they intended to do with me. i was to become what they called a public bitch. iwas to become public bitch number 256 to be exact. i would be locked in a chastity belt that only Men(by this they meant ALL Men on the Isle) would have a key to open whenever they wished to use me to cum. bitches were on strict birth control so that a bitch would not have the honor of producing a Man's child. The chastity belt was to prevent me from playing with the cunt between my legs, which was now exclusively the property of the Men on the isle. i know us bitches are so horny al the time that without the chastity belts we would spend all our time playing with ourselves. After three weeks of training with just a few spankings and whippings i was beginning to understand and enjoy my new role in life but still silently wondered what had become of my husband. Then one day that question was answered wahen i was shown a videotape. There that faggot was, naked on his knees sucking a Big Black Cock and i remember looking between his knees and seeing that his puny little white dick was harder than i had ever seen it. There it was on color film him saying that he would rather have a Big Black Cock up his ass than fuck me and then begging to have a cock shoved up his ass. After a few weeks of training i was sent for my first breeding session. It was explained to me that i would be bred with in order to help insure the population of the isle. In my first breeding session i realized thta i could barely feel the little pricks inside my now gaping cunt. Even if i could ave felt them they shot their loads so quickly i had no chance of satifaction from them. It was at that moment that i knew my inferior little dicked husband would never satisfy me again. How i longed for Big Black Cocks. i was one of the lucky ones, i gave birth my first time to public bitch number 639. public bitch number 325 who is one of my roomates gave birth to three white males before having a bitch. All public bitches are required to to birth another bitch before being released from breeding sessions. Although, after six births a bitch is automatically released. bitches do not always have to remain public bitches, it is possible to become a private bitch for a Man. All public bitches dream of one day having this honor. Men are allowed to have up to six bitches at one time in their private stable. The process is realy very simple. When a Man finds a bitch that he particularly enjoys and wants her always available , he brands her ass. Each Man has a personal and distinct brand. Well i have to close now, i'm going to let my limp lick the cum that several Men left in my asshole today. That in my cunt is off limits because of the chastity belt. The limp does so enjoy licking Men's cum from mine and the other bitches assholes. The Men explained to me that they could not cure him of his desire for Mens cum and that's why they had to make him a limp. They didn't want faggots on the isle. To do this day the limp is given testorone in his vitamins. Despite the male hormones to make him horny and attracted to bitches, the limp is still happy and always anxious to lick Men's cum from oour assholes.(sigh) My life is so good now, i feel so filled(um,oh,fulfilled) public bitch #256 2374 1.12/512345
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