Friday, March 22, 2013
Jolene Listens
My wife never used to listen to me, which, ironically enough, led to our current situation. Let me explain. A couple of months ago we went into the city for a street festival. It was a yearly thing, but we hadn't gone before and didn't know the area very well. None the less, we were having a good time walking down the street, checking out the shops and sampling the local food. I saw a small tobacco shop and wanted to check out their cigar selection, but of course Jolene didn't want to go into a "smelly cigar store", so I told her to stay close and I would be back soon. The store had mostly pipe tobacco and was not well stocked with cigars, so it wasn't long before I was back out looking for my wife. Naturally she had not listened to me and had disappeared somewhere. I was thinking that she had to be close and was scanning the street when I heard her voice off to my right. I turned and took a few steps to find myself at the entrance to a small alley. Looking down it's length I saw one of the most frightening scenes of my life: my wife and two tough-looking men. One of the men was pulling on Jolene's purse and the other was growling at her to let go of it, but she was resisting. For a moment I was frozen; not from fear, but from shock. Then the man pulling on her purse hit my wife in the face with his closed fist. She collapsed like a rag doll. I don't remember making a decision, I was just sprinting down the alley towards my wife and her attackers. At this point I should tell you that I have been training in mixed martial arts since I was 17 and although I was no Randy Coture I did have some skills. I was also well motivated. Now there were two of them; they looked street-tough and the alley was pretty narrow, so I knew that if they did not run I would have to end it quickly. That meant using high-energy, one strike knock-out attacks. The problem is, these are risky techniques if you are up against a trained opponent because they also leave you open to counter attacks. They didn't run, and I just hoped that they weren't trained. The way they were positioned I was going to wind up facing one and having one at my back, so with my last step I leaped into the air and kicked savagely backwards with my left foot, while punching forward with my right hand. This is a real showy move, but it can be effective, if nothing else for the surprise factor. I hit the man behind me squarely in the solar plexus, which was exactly where I had aimed. I drove my foot deep into his midsection and heard the air forced out of his lungs making a deep "oof" sound. Meanwhile the man in front of me managed to step back from my punch, but I didn't really expect it to connect. I threw it mainly for balance and to hopefully push him back a bit, and for that it worked perfectly. I landed automatically into a fighting stance and immediately blocked a big looping right aimed at the side of my head. He did not follow up with another punch, probably because he was used to taking out his opponents with that first hay-maker. As I countered with a right cross and left jab I could hear the guy behind me hitting the ground; I wouldn't have to worry about him for a little while. None of my punches landed, and the way he ducked them told me he had some boxing experience. I barely avoided a left jab, but absorbed a glancing body shot from his right hand. I didn't want to box with this guy, so I decided to go downstairs and see if he had any kicking experience. I threw an experimental kick to the outside of his lead leg. It landed with a satisfying thud on his thigh. That seemed to confuse him as he didn't counter, so I threw another kick to the same area and landed it again. Clearly he didn't like that and threw a wild right. I ducked that easily and rewarded him with a punishing right to his ribs. I felt the tide turning, but I needed to finish him off before his buddy behind me got his breath back. I could see he was glancing down, looking for that leg kick again, so I looked down at his leg, hoping he would take the bait. Most people will drop their guard a little if they think a kick is coming, and he was no different. As soon as I saw it drop I shifted my weight onto my right leg and put all the power I had into my left leg. I'm not as limber as I used to be, and head kicks are not easy to execute, but this was not a normal situation. It seemed to happen in slow motion. I watched my left foot arc up into the air, higher and higher. It seemed like it had a mind of it's own as it accelerated towards the side of his head. Unlike me, he never saw it coming. When it hit, his head snapped to my right and his whole body went limp. I'm sure he was unconscious when he hit the ground. I let the force of the kick spin me around so that I was facing the first guy who by now had regained his feet. Then he made a big mistake: he rushed me. There was not much room for him to get up to speed, so I just braced myself and let him run into me. Since I was ready he did not knock me back like he had hoped. I grabbed him looking for a throw or a take-down of some sort, but he had some grappling experience and managed to stay on his feet. This called for a different strategy, so I reached up and put my hands behind his head, lacing my fingers together in a classic Mui Tai move and pulled his head down. He was not expecting this and didn't know what to do. I did. I quickly brought up my right knee, directly into his forehead. This stunned him, but I was not done. I quickly followed with my left knee and then the right again. One of those vicious knees, I'm not sure which, must have connected with his chin because he collapsed like a sack of shit. I quickly checked the other guy and he was still out. The fight was over. I don't think it lasted more than 30 seconds, but I was already starting to breath heavily. With the adrenalin surging through my body I stepped over to my wife to check on her injuries. I leaned over her and said "Jolene, are you OK?" Her eyelids fluttered, but otherwise she did not respond. "Just hold on." I grabbed my cell-phone and punched in 911. I told the dispatcher where we were, and what the situation was as quickly as possible. One of the toughs that I had knocked out was starting to stir, so I snapped my phone shut and used one of my shoe laces to tie him up. I did the same for the other one as well. I returned to my wife and held her head while I waited for the police and paramedics to arrive. I couldn't help muttering "I wish you would just listen to me. If you would just do what I say everything would work out better." In fact, I think I repeated this a number of times. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't really blaming my wife, I was just upset and high on the adrenalin and letting my subconscious thoughts get through. The police arrived soon, sized up the situation, and cuffed the two thugs. While they were busy with that the paramedics arrived and checked everybody out. I insisted they look at my wife first and told them I was fine. I gave my statement to the cops while the paramedics tended to my wife. The toughs tried to tell the police that I had attacked them, but one look at my wife's bruised face was enough to convince them that their story was bullshit and they were arrested. The paramedics were concerned that my wife had suffered a concussion and wanted to take her to hospital for an MRI and observation. She didn't want to go, but I thought it was wise so I told her that she should take their advice. To my shock she just looked at me and said "OK." She never gave up without a fight, but I didn't question it and rode with her in the ambulance to the hospital. When we got to the emergency room Jolene was whisked away to get an MRI. After they brought her back we had a chance to talk a bit as we waited for the doctor to give us the results. "What do you remember?" I asked, curious as to how she ended up in that alley. "Some of it's kind of fuzzy," she replied, "but I'll do the best I can. I remember waiting for you outside the tobacco shop. I was watching the people pass by when I saw a woman with some really neat look boots walk past. I wanted to know where she got them, so I tried to catch up with her. She disappeared into a crowd of young people coming the other way, but I didn't want to follow her through when I saw a couple of the boys grab her butt. To avoid them I backed out of the way and I guess I accidentally backed right into the alley. This really was a case of jumping from the frying pan into the fire." If she can still make jokes, I thought, maybe she's really OK. "Then I heard someone behind me. I turned around and there were those two awful men. They grabbed my purse and tried to take it away, but I held on and they wound up dragging me down the alley further. I guess I should have just let it go." "Why didn't you?" I asked. "You didn't have that much money in it and the rest could have been replaced." "I know, it's just that, it was an expensive purse and one I really liked. I didn't want to lose it. I guess I really wasn't thinking clearly." She answered. Duh! I thought, but kept my mouth shut. "Then one of the men hit me." She continued. "I remember the pain; it felt like my face had exploded. I don't remember much after that, I think I was knocked out for a little while. I do remember dreaming of you having a sparring match at the gym with a couple of guys though. The next thing I knew I was laying in that dirty alley with you calling my name. As my head started to clear I saw my attackers on the ground out cold, and that's when I realized that I didn't dream it: you took them both out. You saved me. I did something impulsive and stupid, which you are always warning me about, but you saved me. At that moment I loved you more than ever before and I resolved that from then on I would listen to you." By this time we both had tears in our eyes and we held each other tightly for a long time, as if something bad might happen if we let go. Finally a doctor approached us and introduced himself and said he had the results of my wife's tests. "When you arrived here we determined that you had a concussion." He told my wife. "However it doesn't look like it was the result of the initial blow, but rather from the fall. We found a small cut on the left side of your head and some contusions, so we think you hit your head on the ground and that's what caused the concussion. After a head injury like this we like to use a Functional MRI, or FMRI. This shows us where blood is flowing in the brain and helps to spot abnormal activity, which can be an indication of brain damage. The good news is that I did not spot any bleeding or any outright damage." he said. "But." I said suspecting there was another shoe to drop. "But," he continued, "I did see some unusual activity in the cortex. This area is not usually associated with concussive type brain damage, so it's probably nothing, but I'd like to keep your wife overnight for observation. I have scheduled another FMRI in the morning and if that comes out clear she can go home." Jolene didn't want to stay, but I said she should, and again she relented. Maybe she was going to keep her resolution to herself and listen to me a little more from now on. That would be nice, but I didn't think it would last long. The next day the doctor told us that the MRI was clean and that Jolene could go home. The left side of her face was still swelled up a bit and very black and blue, but she was in good spirits. They gave us a prescription for some pain medication and discharged her. It took a few days, but things more or less returned to normal, except that she seemed to be more willing to take my advice or accept my choices when decisions had to be made. I liked it, but I kept expecting it to end. After a couple of weeks we were talking about going out to a movie or something and she complained that all her nice clothes did not fit her anymore. I had noticed that over the last couple of years she had put on a few pounds, but I didn't say anything; you know how it is with women and their weight. As cooperative as she had been lately, though, I decided to take a chance and sent up a trial balloon. "You know, we could both stand to loose a few pounds. Maybe we should stop buying deserts for a while and watch what we eat." I offered. "Hmmm, you're probably right." She replied. Time to push it I thought. "I should also probably get to the gym more often as well. I'm not in the best of shape. I really got lucky with those two guys in that alley." "You're in better shape than me!" Jolene answered. "Actually, they are starting a new self-defense class at my gym this weekend. It's based on Krav Maga, an Israeli martial art. It's supposed to be relatively easy to learn, very street-effective, and a good workout. I think you should sign up for it, especially in the light of recent events." I said. "That's not a bad idea. OK, let's do it: the diet, the gym, the whole thing." So we started the diet right away by throwing away all the ice cream and other sweets in the house and changed our shopping and eating habits. Nothing drastic, just a better balance of different foods, smaller portions, and a no eating after dinner rule. That weekend Jolene started her self defense classes and I took my martial arts training more seriously. A couple of weeks later I had lost 10 pounds, but Jolene had shed 15. She was serious about losing the weight! To celebrate I suggested that we go out to a bar I knew about that hosted some of the better local bands. Normally my wife is not to crazy about going to bars, but she readily agreed this time. We went though her "skinny clothes" and picked out a nice pair of jeans, frilly black underwear (for later she said), and a nice blouse. I spied a different blouse in the back of the closet. It was a peach color, which is one of her favorites, but it was also pretty sheer. I grabbed it and said "How about this one?" "Oh, I don't have anything to wear over it, and it's too sheer to wear alone." "Why?" I asked innocently. "Don't be silly," she admonished me, "this bra will show right through it." "That's kind of the point." I said. She gave me a stern look, but I could tell it was more playful than anything else. "How about we switch out the black bra with a white one?" "I don't know..." she started. "Let's just try it and see." I offered. She relented and found a nice white bra that was, if anything, more sexy and less substantial than the first one. I enjoyed watching her undress and put on the white bra. For a 35 year old woman she still had the tits of someone 15 years her junior. They were a nice C-cup with nipples that pointed up at a slight angle and they had little perceptible sag. I still loved looking at them, even after all these years. Once she had the blouse on I was still able to see the bra in bright light, but it would not be visible in the dimly lit bar, which I demonstrated by turning down the light in our bedroom. "See," I said as I turned her towards the mirror, "in this level of light you really can't see through it at all." "I still don't know." "Please, just wear it." I demanded more than asked. "OK. For you." She said as she turned and kissed me on the cheek. That was easier than I thought it would be. This was going to be a great night I thought as I got dressed. It being a Wednesday night the place was not too busy; it mostly looked like regulars clustered near the bar. We selected a booth in a dark corner not far from the door, but across the room from the bar. The band was not too bad, not quite our taste in music, but good enough to dance to. I had a couple of beers at the start of the evening, but cooled it after that since I had to drive home. Jolene maintained a steady pace and got tipsy, but never sloppy drunk. As the night wore on a few more couples drifted in and we were not alone on the dance floor, but the place never really filled up. Around 11:00 the crowd started thinning out and the band played their last number. It was a weekday after all. So even though we didn't like the song too much, we still took the dance floor to get one more in. When we sat down I noticed that my wife was sweating slightly, so I said smiling, "You look hot, why don't you undo that second button." She looked down a her blouse and said "That sounds like a good idea." I was a little surprised when she reached down and popped the button loose. Surprised, but happy. As we talked over the course of the next few minutes the blouse opened up a bit more at the top and showed off more of her upper chest and just a hint of cleavage. Now this particular blouse had six buttons, so having the top two undone did not expose much, but it was daring for my wife. Jolene seemed so comfortable with the situation that I just had to see if I could push it further. "You really look sexy tonight." I said, blatantly buttering her up. "But do you know what would really be sexy?" "No, what?" "If you would just pop that third button." Now understand that the third one was just above the center clasp on her bra. If it was unbuttoned then her full cleavage would be on display as well as some of her bra. "I don't think I should." "Oh, come on. Nobody will know except for me. Pop it." I challenged. "You know you want to." I just threw that last part in to tease her since I didn't know if she wanted to or not. "Now you're reading my mind." She giggled, but her hand moved towards the button. In my mind I was thinking 'Do it, do it'. When she reached the button there was a slight hesitation, and then she quickly undid it as if she might chicken out if she did it slowly. My cock was hard in my pants and the blood pounded in my ears. I thought for sure everybody could hear it, but nobody paid any attention to us. Jolene just looked coyly at me and sipped her drink. Over the next few minutes nothing was said, but the blouse opened up considerably when she reached out and squeezed my hand. I don't know if she was trying to get it to open or if she just wanted the reassurance of my touch, but I loved it either way. All of her cleavage was now exposed along with the top swells of her lovely tits. I could also see the tops of her white frilly bra peaking out. I told her she was a goddess. She laughed, but said she loved me too. We were flirting like teens and I was really enjoying our game, but I wanted to take advantage of my wife's playful mood and see how far I could take it. "You're sure acting a little wicked tonight." I observed. "Hmmmm, wicked can be fun." she replied with a sparkle in her eye. "But if you really wanted to be wicked you would go into the ladies room, remove your bra, and put it on the table when you get back." I explained. "Keeping all three buttons on your blouse undone, of course." I had thrown down the gauntlet, now how would she respond? "That would be wicked, but I don't think I could do it." I was disappointed, but was not willing to give up just yet. "You underestimate yourself. I know you could do it, and I want you to. Be wicked tonight. You know you want to." It was a risk using the same gambit as before, but it HAD worked before, so I thought I had nothing to lose. Jolene didn't say anything for a moment, she just sat there looking past me, deep in thought, but I couldn't read her face. Suddenly she downed the rest of her drink in one big gulp and stood up. Still remaining silent I watched as she walked across the floor towards the restrooms. I sat there wondering if she would really do it or not. She was only gone for a couple of minutes, but they seemed to drag on for an eternity. Finally I saw the door to the ladies room open and my wife emerge. After she took a few steps I could tell by the way her tits were moving under the sheer blouse that she was indeed braless. Then I noticed that something was clenched in her left hand; it had to be her bra. She did it! She really did it! Watching her walk that short distance across the floor to our booth was one of the most erotic things I'd ever seen, and certainly the hottest thing I'd ever seen Jolene do outside the bedroom. When she sat down she reached out and dropped the bra on the table near the middle. I looked at it, then I looked at her, and then I looked at the bra again. Even wadded up it was obvious what it was and anybody looking would know too. The blood was pounding in my head again, actually both of them. I was so hard my cock ached and I was sure I was leaking precum. Jolene was a bit flushed, but she also looked radiant. I was speechless, but my wife was not. "Could you get me a nightcap?" She asked. This was her way of telling me that she was nearly ready to leave. Hell, I wasn't going to argue; I just wanted to get home and fuck like rabbits at that point. I went to the bar and ordered her favorite nightcap. The bartender looked over at our booth and asked "Is that your wife?" I nodded in the affirmative. "You are one lucky guy, she's smoking hot." he said with a wry smile. I agreed with him, paid for the drink and returned to our booth. "The bartender thinks you are a smoking hot babe." I said as I slid in opposite my wife and put the drink down in front of her. I noticed the bra was still laying where she had left it. "Did he?" she replied, blushing even more deeply. I watched as the red color spread across her chest and her nipples visibly hardened under the blouse. When Jolene is excited they stand out like pencil erasers. They look so fucking hot that way. "It's not polite to point." I said as I looked directly at her tits. She smiled. "Somehow I don't think you mind." "In this case, no." We played the flirtatious word games until Jolene finished her last drink. "Shall we go home now?" She inquired. "Do one more thing for me before we go: undo another button." I requested. She looked over towards the door, I'm sure thinking about the fact that we would have to walk past the bar on the way out. My wife looked back at me, licked her lips nervously and asked "Are you sure?" I looked her right in the eyes and said as calmly as I could "Yes." She reached down and popped out the fourth button on her blouse. Now it was open almost down to her navel and only two buttons were holding it together. Mustering her courage she stood up and said, "OK, let's go." I stood up, grabbed the bra off the table, took her hand and started for the door. I tried to look straight ahead as nonchalantly as possible, but I couldn't help glancing over in my wife's direction. I could see the edges of the two halves of her blouse fluttering and threatening to blow completely apart as we walked. Only those two little buttons were preventing it from rendering her effectively topless. As it was her tits would be exposed to anybody with a direct side view - like the bartender and anybody else sitting at the bar that happened to turn around at the right time. Her tits jiggled provocatively under the loose blouse, her distended nipples clearly detectable. As we passed the bar I saw the bartender grin, but none of the other customers turned around. What a shame. When we got to the door I held it open for her and as she passed through the threshold into the dim parking lot, a small breeze blew in and caused the blouse to billow out like a parachute. Momentarily her tits were completely exposed to view from the front and I thought the final two buttons might give way, but alas they held and the breeze abated. Her blouse fluttered down to a more modest position and we headed for the car. Once we were on our way home I had a little chance to think about what had just happened. My wife had exposed herself in public to a degree I never thought was possible, and I loved it! In fact she still had not attempted to button up her blouse and when I looked over to her I could see almost all of her right tit through the gap. "Why did you do all that?" I asked. "What, unbutton my blouse or take off my bra?" She teased. "Both, actually." "Because you wanted me to." Was her simple answer. "Really?" "Well, you said you wanted me to be wicked, and when I thought about it I realized that I wanted to be wicked for you. I thought it might be fun." She explained. I digested that for a moment. "So, was it fun?" "More than fun: it was exciting." This was unexpected. "What was the most exciting part?" She didn't hesitate to answer. "Walking out. I could feel the bartender's eyes burning my flesh with his lustful stare. And also when the breeze at the door almost blew my blouse off. For just a moment I wasn't sure if there was anyone out there or not. What if there had been?" I took that as a rhetorical question, but I didn't have an answer for her anyway. We both mulled that over for a minute or so before I had another question for her. "If I had asked you to undo the next button in the bar, would you have?" "Maybe." "What if I had insisted?" I pressed. "Yes." She admitted quietly as she looked down. Wow. I was starting to think that my wife had a submissive side that was emerging for some reason. "Unbutton it now." I ordered. She complied and now had only one button holding the two halves of her blouse together. I asked the next logical question. "What if I had told you to undo the last button, again while we were still in the bar?" "Yes." Again quietly while looking down. Clearly these admissions embarrassed her, but from her breathing I could tell she was getting even more excited as well. "You know what I want now." I said. Jolene reached down and popped out the last button. Now her blouse was just hanging off her shoulders with nothing to hide her treasures except gravity and a lack of wind. "And you would have walked out of that bar, past those people, just like this?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer. "Yes." This time barely a whisper. I was hyper excited now, the image of her walking out of that bar with the two halves of her blouse swinging loose, her tits on display for anyone to see. I struggled to remain calm. I had to drive after all. I was having trouble maintaining speed, so I put on the cruise control on and pushed ahead with my questioning since I might not get another chance. "What if I had told you to remove your blouse and hand it to me?" Her head jerked up in surprise. Apparently she had not expected this question. "What, in the bar?" She asked incredulously. "Yes, right there in that booth." Jolene looked past me, a riot of emotions passing across her face. Finally confusion settled in. "I don't know. Maybe. I guess it would depend." "Depend on what?" "On whether my lust could overcome my fear and humiliation." She answered in a thick voice. Unexpected, unexpected. I could sense we were at precipice in this particular journey, but was I ready to take one more chance? Yes, I decided I had to go for it. "Take off your blouse and hand it to me." I demanded with as much authority as I could muster at the moment. She hesitated, and then slowly, with trembling hands, my wife slipped off her blouse and handed it to me. I took it from her and flipped it over my shoulder into the back seat. Now she couldn't grab it easily to cover up; we were committed. Jolene wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. It was actually quite warm in the car, so I knew it wasn't the temperature that was causing the shivers. I had pushed her as far as she could go, and maybe a little bit further and now she was overwhelmed. Hell, I was feeling it as well. "You are the bravest, hottest, sexiest, most wonderful woman in the world." I told her. "If I loved you anymore I would go insane." She looked over to me and gave me one of those beaming smiles that makes life worth living and melts your soul. I heaped more praise on her telling her how must I adored her for indulging me. "We are almost home now." I said as I exited the highway and pulled onto the county road which would bring us to our house in a few minutes. "Good. And when we get there you had better be ready to fuck me good and hard." I was stunned. Not because she wanted fuck, so did I, but she never vocalized it like that before. She saw the look on my face and said "Hey, you wanted wicked, buster. Well now you've got it!" We hardly even got into the house before we were ripping each other's clothes off. The first fuck was on the sofa; we didn't even make it to the bedroom. Her pussy was wetter than I had ever seen before - it was literally dripping. When I mounted her I was able to sink my cock in all the way to the hilt in one go. I lost no time in fucking her. It was fast and furious and over way too quick. Neither of us was satisfied, but I needed time to recharge so I carried my wife to our bedroom and proceeded to lick her pussy until she came on my tongue. Then I pulled out her only vibrator and slowly fucked her with it, occasionally flicking it over her sensitive clit. Eventually I brought her off again by which time I was hard once more. While she was still enjoying her post orgasmic glow, I pushed my cock into her which cause her to groan loudly. I pounded her for a long time, varying the tempo, position, and technique. I used every trick I knew in order to give her as many orgasms as possible. I wanted to see if I could find her limits. At one point she was on top, but she was on her hands and knees and I was doing all the work, pounding into her relentlessly. She started whimpering with a high-pitched "uh, uh, uh" sound and almost hyperventilating at the same time. When this happened I thought that maybe I had reached her limit, but she never asked me to stop. In fact, when I tried to slow down she started pushing back against me in an effort to keep up the tempo I had been maintaining. I was sure she was building to an earth shattering orgasm, but I couldn't hold out any longer and I came hard, almost painfully. After my cock was finished convulsing she collapsed on top of me and we just held each other for a while. Eventually Jolene rolled off of me and we had a nice pre-sleep cuddle. While I was waiting for the sandman I reflected on the evening. I wondered what had gotten into Jolene. Why was she so willing to do what I asked, not only tonight but pretty much since the attack? What did it mean and how far would she go? I had lost count of how many times she had cum, but surely it was a personal record. And yet, I was sure she had not reached her limit. Was she truly insatiable or did she have a limit? If so what was it and how could I get her there? Did I want to? I drifted off to sleep. 13314 2.45/512345
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